Here's an
article in the Toronto Sun about how the lady in the picture found this tag attached to her new couch (actually her daughter found it so
read up for the details)
story kind of reminds me of this time when I was getting my car washed in San Jose California. The way the car wash worked is that you hand over your keys to the cleaner who then gives you a little sale slip that you use to pay for the car wash and redeem your car. When this Mexican (yes this is an important detail you'll know why in a bit) car wash cleaner handed me my slip I saw two things on it: the word "Negro" and my license plate number (I'm sure there were other details but that's all I noticed at the time). Right at the point where I remembered there was a crow bar in the trunk of my car I might be able to crack his skull with (yes I had issues), I also remembered how car at the time was black and "negro" was Spanish for the word black. Slowly a cool head prevailed and realized dude wasn't trying to say, "this nigger's (negro) license plate number is..."
So what's the point I'm trying to make here? None really both situations make laugh but I hope this chick gets her money back (for bad quality control) and keeps her nigger brown couch.