Gotta be the illest brother to claim respect
It takes the illest brother just to get respect
Got to be the illest brother when it's time to get wreck
Got to be the illest brother when I get my mic check
GangStarrBy now you must have heard (if not check out the video before proceeding dummy!) the news about
Senator of Illinois Barrack Obama taking steps to run for
President of the United States in 2008.
Now I don't want to get into the whole controversial portion of his action, talk about his odds, potentials or anything every newspaper, blogs, expert, pundits might have brought up. For one I'm no Political Scientist or even an eligible voter.
What I do want to talk about is how crazy/ill (do the kids still talk like that?) this dude has gotta be to run. Not yellow bus crazy/ill but "
You got the juice now" crazy/ill. The kind of crazy/ill that lets you lead a gang.
Why? Because he's going after a job that is doomed to failure which is cleaning up and digging the US out of the hole created by
George W. Bush. So much that I'm willing to bet the only reason
a woman and a black man would be crazy enough to go after the Presidency now is cause everyone else (who would usually beat them) backed out on some "Fuck that! I just wanted to ride on the Air Force One and pick up chicks!" shit. I mean can just imagine all the work the new president will have on its plate.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he shouldn't run. I'm just saying, when I look at what he's up against through the lens of my comfort zone I'm like damn! That and impressed at the challenges he's willing to take on. So much that that he's got me thinking like Outkast "
You Got to Get Up Get Out and Do Something".
All this to say, Good Luck Mister Obama. In my eyes you've won even before the gun went off.